
On the Field Mission Training

About two years past between the time Jesus chose the apostles and when he finally sent them into the world. Jesus exposed them to all kinds of life situations and taught them on the basis of their reactions to those situations. He always used concrete illustrations, whether it was the immediate event or vivid familiar imagery. He urged questions, provoked harder thinking and often left discussions open-ended. He never gave up, no matter how obtuse His students were. How I wish I could teach and train as skillfully and personally as He!

We need that kind of training from someone whose life and ministry we respect. Internships have become more common in the last few years (in fact we have trained over eight interns in recent years). But, larger numbers seem the be flocking to just the two week to three month summer short-term trip, or serve as a junior worker (such as the two year Journeyman program, International Mission Board). However, it is a matter of junior job assignments (to relieve the senior worker) and a written report afterward rather than some joint assignments with personal interaction and evaluation. Look, if possible, for a live-in situation with a godly discipler.

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