
Suggested Missionary Book List

I have added a “suggested” reading list for those who are pursuing the life of being a missionary. Again, not only have I found that many who serve on the field today are ignorant in their Bible reading, but even fewer are familiar with those who came before them; “The History of Missions.” Today just a simple sickness, broken leg, discouragement, loss of a child or spouse will quickly send one running from the field back to their home country but it was not so in the past! I personally feel that long before one steps out to pursue such a life style they should be made aware the people whose footsteps they follow in. Reading of the lives of such past saints can truly be informative and challenging, and often better than any missiology course which one might take these days. Don’t just stick with missionaries who worked in the area which you feel called, for a rich education can be found as you read through a broad range of different experiences.

Many of the books which I have listed (and will add in time) are out of print; however, thanks to the internet most can be found for a reasonable price. If you are interested in a particular region, please do not hesitate to ask, my library is quite extensive and I am familiar with a number of past missionaries and their work.